At Flooded Jewelers we make the highest quality grills available on the market at the most reasonable price.  Each grill is tailor- made fit to your teeth to allow the cleanest look, and the most comfortable fit. That means the grills will not be too bulky, or make you talk with a lisp.  We offer deep permanent cuts complimentary on all grills, making sure you get the look you want is our upmost importance.  We are a jeweler that is completely personalized to fit your needs and budget.


All of our grills are priced differently depending on the material, what karat gold you choose, the number of teeth, and any custom designs or engravings you might choose to add.  In order to respect our clientele we decided to keep our prices private, however you can email us, or message us on any of our social media accounts to obtain a quote. ([email protected]) (@FloodedJewelers)

Dental Molds

All of our grills are custom fit to your teeth and your teeth only! To obtain the perfect fit for your grills we require a mold of your teeth to start the manufacturing process.  We ship mold kits worldwide and the price is included in the quote you receive for your grills.  If you wish to only purchase a mold kit for the time being they are $20, and can be purchased by emailing us or messaging us on our social media accounts.  If you already have a dental mold, that can be sent to us directly to quicken to process.


For most grills we require full payment before we ship your mold kit, however for some of our big budget grills we will accept a fifty-percent deposit to get started. In the case that you make a deposit the remaining balance would be due upon completion of your grills.  We accept payment via Cash App or Paypal.


For any other questions regarding pricing, shipping or general information please do not hesitate to click the “Contact” link at the top of the page or email us at [email protected]